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Surprising Reasons Why Your Periods Might Be Late, Lifestyle, Indian Women Health Blog, Women Health Blog, Periods Late

Surprising Reasons Why Your Periods Might Be Late

Surprising Reasons Why Your Periods Might Be Late

By Pallavi

Hii Girlies,

Sometimes I feel life is so tough for us girls. It’s not that I feel we are unlucky and tortured. I feel being a girl makes me strongly blessed and all. But we have to keep track of so many things. Normally what happens with me is that I always forget to note my period dates. I just calculate them on the basis of some or the other events and occasions.

But I am sure once in your lifetime you all might have got worried thinking that your period is late. Well, late periods are not a sign of pregnancy, though that is the first thought usually. A late period can be owing to a number of factors like –

1. Change in your daily routine – If you have switched cities or changed jobs or may be rising and sleeping time has changed then all these factors delays your periods too. And if this timing just matches to your ovulation timing then the delay chances are higher.

2. Stress – Maybe it is because of your exams or you’re some personal issues or some work conflicts. Your stress levels really have a effect on your period cycle. And this results in delayed periods.

3. Weakness – Basically if you are weak inside or your body doesn’t has enough amount of iron then your period will be definitely delayed.

4. Gymming – If you have recently started gymming then your periods are definitely going to be delayed. Because just when you start gym your body weight loss is much more evident. And this in turn will have an effect on your hormones. It will cause hormonal changes as a result of which your periods might be delayed.

5. Travel – Sometimes travelling, changes in time zone, places, water, climate,etc. also cause delay in periods.

6. Dietary changes – If you recently changed your diet pattern, then it is again going to have an effect on both your body weight and hormones. And these both will have an effect on your periods.

7. Hormonal imbalance – Most of the girls suffer from this health issue all their life without even being aware of it. Don’t trust me. Well, how many of you are aware of PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome). It causes hormonal imbalance which alters the level of estrogen, progesterone and testosterone in your body. PCOS also causes delay in your periods every month.

8. Sickness – Yes, if you are sick and taking too much of medications then that also hampers your ovulation cycle as a result of which you suffer from delayed periods.

9. New Medication – Sometimes if you have started any new medicine then that also affects your period cycle. Confirm from your doctor that this new medicine is not going to effect your period cycle.

10. A new birth control method – If you have started a new birth control method then that is going to affect your period cycle. It is going to have an effect on your hormones and hormones need time to adjust on that and thus your periods will be delayed.

So, these were some of the reasons of delay in your periods. Let me know if you know something more in the comments down below.

Editor’s Note: That’s an informative post Pallavi, loved it.

Image Source: 1, 2, 3,4,5

Did you know of all these reasons?

Natural Ways to Reduce Cellulite

Natural Ways to Reduce Cellulite

By Shelja

What is cellulite? Cellulite is dimpled skin popularly known as orange peel occurring mostly on thighs, buttocks and stomach area, every women has cellulite so you don’t need to feel embarrassed about it, its completely normal and natural. There are several reasons for cellulite some of the most common reasons include unhealthy eating habits, hereditary, hormonal, genetic factors and lack of exercise. There is no proven way to get rid of cellulite completely, however the tips given below will help you to reduce it. Keep reading!

1. Eat healthy : Diet plays an important role, the fat you consume will be stored in your body as cellulite, consuming clean healthy food will help you to stay fit, foods like grains contains fibber which will help you to remove waste and toxins from the intestine also shedding off cellulite stored as fat in your body. Along with this drink plenty of water as consuming water will also remove toxins and excess fat from the body.

2. Workout : Cellulite is a very stubborn fat, you have to understand that it will take time to get rid of it, however to speed it up it’s important to do cardio as often as you can. As cellulite is nothing but stored fat, burning those fat through cardio and leg exercises would be a wise decision.

3. Exfoliate : Exfoliating helps to promote blood circulation and sheds off dead skin cells, to see visible results it’s advised to use a coarse exfoliator before showers every day. If your skin is too sensitive give it one day rest so that your skin is repaired.

4. Massage : Massaging enhances the blood circulation in the body and provide oxygen to the cells, it helps the body to reduce cellulite in its own natural way. You can massage it with grapefruit essential oil, hazelnut essential oil or jojoba oil. Add 3 to 4 drops of the essential oil of your choice to a tablespoon of almond oil and rub and massage into your skin for a hydrated and firmer appearance. Do this every day for best outcomes.

5. Dry brushing : Massage your skin for a minute before you start dry brushing. Use a soft bristled brush, apply few drops of oil on the affected area then brush in small circular motions directed towards the heart until the skin sucks up all of the oil or till your skin turns red. Repeat the procedure every day to see visible results.

6. Use coffee grounds : Caffeine breaks up the fat deposits as you massage into the skin. It also tightens your skin making it firm. Drinking coffee daily will also help to eliminate fat. Prepare a wrap with coffee and olive oil mixture, heat one-half cup of coffee grounds and a little extra-virgin olive oil in the microwave for 20 seconds. Spread the warm mixture on the cellulite and cover it with plastic wrap. Leave it on for 30 minutes, and then rinse it off with Luke warm mixture. Repeat this 3 times a week to see visible results.

7. Anti cellulite cream : There are many creams targeted for cellulite, below is the list of best cellulite creams available.

  • bliss fat girl sleep
  • Clarins high definition body lift
  • bliss fat girl slim
  • Tarte celluFIGHT
  • L’Occitane – Almond Beautiful shape

Image sources : 1,2,3,4,5,6,7