Tag Archives: Wish Chain Flipkart

Do Wishes Come True? #AbHarWishHogiPoori

Do Wishes Come True? #AbHarWishHogiPoori

Do Wishes Come True? #AbHarWishHogiPoori

Hi guys,

What do you think of wishes coming true? You know how sometimes, a someone special gifts us exactly what we wanted?! Now that’s a wish genie whispering our wishes in their minds 😀

Flipkart similarly tries fulfilling everyone’s wishes,acts as a wish genie on our behalf,when we want to gift something special to someone.

One of my fellow blogger Manjulika wished for this Philips Air Fryer for her mom as she makes super yummy kachoris and samosas, smart wish I would say, coz it benefits the entire family plus takes care of their health too with less to no usage of oil. Also,one can bake, grill, fry and do so much more with an Air Fryer. I would love to try the Air Fryer too some day.

But when it comes to fulfilling wishes, I would like to be a genie here and fulfill my husband’s wish and get him something very useful which saves him a lot of time. He is always multi-tasking and managing his own freelance work too on weekends,apart from his regular job. He is mostly on the phone interacting and connecting with people. Also, he is looking to get into fitness coz that is something he has been neglecting since a while and has just started putting on weight.

We hardly get to spend time together as he is working on something or the other on weekends too,and we are ‘newly married’! Imagine my life later on. A few weeks ago when we were making some plans for weekend, my husband had to go for a meeting on Saturday related to his freelance work and the entire Saturday was spent in it, plus there are times he has conference calls on Sundays and at odd hours coz few participants are from US. I truly believe he should start delegating stuff and also invest in gadgets which save him a lot of time and manage his time wisely.

The all new Motorola Moto 360 Smart Watch is a perfect gift for him.

The watch displays notifications based on your location, be it weather, flight alerts or traffic so that he will always be on track. A light vibration ensures that he would be notified of incoming or missed calls, text messages and emails.

Say the two magic words ‘Ok Google’ before you begin your sentence to get answers to your questions, send a text, dictate a note or even schedule a meeting. The watch can also discreetly navigate you all the way to your destination when you’re lost. So he can be working on the laptop or driving, and still be scheduling meetings or asking for directions or any questions and let the Moto 360 do the math for him.

The watch is designed with an in-built pedometer and a heart rate monitor that keeps a track of your steps and heart rate. With the heart activity app using the daily and weekly benchmarks, he will be able to effectively track his progress towards his health goals and keep his weight in check.

I think this would save him a lot of time and energy and make his life much easier. His birthday is coming up in August and I know what to get now 😉 Flipkart will help me fulfill his wish. Also, all the time saved can be spent together 😀 Double win!

What do you think of #AbHarWishHogiPoori ? I personally loved the ad, very well made 🙂