Tag Archives: Win Swarovski Pendant

Mega Ziveg Giveaway:10 Winners,3 Days, Indian Fashion Blog, Giveaway India

Mega Ziveg Giveaway:10 Winners,3 Days

Mega Ziveg Giveaway:10 Winners,3 Days

Hey guys,

I have been having super tiring and hectic days with all the packing and sorting. I never in my wildest dreams knew I had so much makeup and skincare. After a point, I felt horrible even looking at makeup, can’t even describe. I discarded 2-3 bags full and gave away 6-7 full bags to friends and family complete with makeup and skin and hair stuff. Hence, one needs to clean and sort regularly #lessonlearnt.

Anyways, coming back to some good news. I have this super awesome giveaway for you guys in association with Ziveg. 10 of you will win this beautiful Ziveg heart pendant which is from their new Wedding Collection. (5 Fashion Ambassadors and 10 winners per FA) The giveaway starts right now and ends on 30th. Open for Indian residents only.

We have 4 winners from the blog and 2 each from facebook, twitter and instagram.

What you need to do :

For blog:

1. Go to http://www.ziveg.com/wedding-collection.html and let us know your favourite piece from which ceremony collection with the url in the comments below.
2. Subscribe to my blog HERE (Just confirm and verify the link you get in the mail) and leave the email id through which you subscribed in the comments below.

For facebook: Like Ziveg and New Love and share this pic on your wall tagging both the pages and 5 of your friends. (Every share is one entry)

For twitter: Follow ZivegJewelry and bhumika_t and tweet this pic tagging us and 2 of your friends. (You can do this multiple times, every tweet is one entry)

For Instagram: Follow Ziveg and bhumika_t and repost this image tagging us and 5 of your friends in the pic. (Every repost is one entry)

Contest starts today and ends on 30th November in 3 days.Winners will be picked on random basis, but more shares would equal more entries.

Good Luck