Tag Archives: Twisted Gold hairband

OOTD: Mint Pleated Dress, Denim Jacket

OOTD: Mint Pleated Dress, Denim Jacket


I am back with an OOTD..first OOTD in 2014 😀 Btw, Happy New Year again guys 🙂

I love mint ! And this sleeveless feminine pleated mint dress was instant love..it has a self colored cloth belt..

I paired it with this bluish purple statement necklace and gold cuff and gold hollow bracelet..and nude pumps.

Also added a denim jacket..for the casual touch..adding a denim jacket instantly gives the outfit a casual, laid back touch..

And and and it also has a detachable hoodie..I love hoodies..they look cute !

And I lovee this gold hairband..it is just so perfect..and I love the way it looks..and also this bluish purple statement necklace..instantly pops the mint dress..

And kisses for you all 😀

Dress, Headband, Accessories: Romwe
Denim Jacket: Foymall
Shoes: Shown HERE, HERE, HERE and HERE

I hope you liked the look..do let me know in the comments below 🙂