Tag Archives: The Art to Picking the Right Engagement Ring for Brides and Grooms

The Art to Picking the Right Engagement Ring for Brides and Grooms, Mumbai Bridal Diaries

The Art to Picking the Right Engagement Ring for Brides and Grooms

The Art to Picking the Right Engagement Ring for Brides and Grooms

Hi guys,

Continuing the bridal series, today we are talking about the right engagement ring for the brides an grooms. Here are a few pointers which will help you pick the right engagement ring:

Establishing the budget: Decide a budget and stick to it more or less when you go ring shopping. The jewellers will try and show you expensive ones and solitaires, if it is something that does not fit your budget, don’t even look at those!

Find the perfect size: Get your ring finger sized first and go for the closest match, but make sure it is neither too tight nor too loose. Definitely not loose, it can be slightly rolled if it is bit tighter.

Ring band: There are so many different metals used for rings these days, most common being yellow gold, rose gold, white gold, platinum, and silver. You can even go for a mix of metals.

Quality of diamonds: When choosing a diamond, you have to check the four C’s i.e. Cut, Color, Clarity and Carat Weight. Choose a diamond keeping in mind all these four characteristics.

Shape of diamond: You can go for round, oval, pear, heart, princess, there are different shapes to choose from. Shape of the diamond matters the most, even before everything else. Princess cut is the most common and something mostly people opt for.

Setting of diamonds: That is the main part again, if you opt for one big stone, you can for solitaire or Tiffany setting. If you have smaller stones, then you can cluster a shape or even mix the smaller clusters around the main, big solitaire.

Shape of ring: Keep in mind your hand shape, length of fingers and what shape of ring would look best on your fingers, before finalizing a ring.

The same rules apply when buying diamond rings for both brides and grooms, just that the shape of the diamond is not much of a concern for the groom as mostly it is the square setting and shape.

A couple can also opt for platinum bands if they prefer or even get it personalized by engraving their initials or date or place tbey met.

What do you think? Do let me know your thoughts in the comments below 🙂