Tag Archives: shingar kajal stick review

The Kohl that survives all tests !!

Yes…I mean the kohl which is jet dark black, stays long and smudges less and never gives  panda eyes..passed the smudging and water test too..plus this one is very very cheap !

“Drum Rolls”

Its the Shingar Kajal Stick !

I have used loads of kajals till date and this is like so better..!

It actually costs Rs. 12/- ! Can you beat that..but this one is free with the Shingar Citrus Deo Talc..

Its a quite nice talc..and for the first time I saw Citrus Talc coz all I always see is Floral Talcs..and at Rs.35/- for 100g its quiet a steal plus you get the Shingar Kohl free..what more would one want..I think all of you must surely get it..

The Kohl waxy and jet dark black..has strong camphor smell which cools the eyes on application..but the pack it came with did not mention the ingredients..

See how dark it is

After lots of rubbing ! Still it did not go

After passing through flowing water

It comes in a conical shape like most kajals but its not in a retractable form.


1. Jet black !
2. Very very economical..you get 1.5 g at 12..which is like super cheap and even if you are a person who changes kohl every 3-4 months for hygienic reasons..this would never pinch your pocket.
3. Has camphor and cools eyes.
4. Does not smudge much. (that rhymes :p)
5. Stays on for 3-4 hours..almost the same as Maybelline Colossal kajal and no Kohl stays longer on me.
6. Never gave raccoon eyes.


1. No ingredients mentioned.
2. Availability might be an issue.

Overall I quite love it ! I used this in one eye and the Maybelline Colossal kajal on the other..and both looked the same, stayed the same and were same in all aspects like less smudging and no spreading around. In fact comparing the swatches Shingar kajal stick swatch stayed much longer on my hand and was not ready to budge ! This is surely a nice buy then coz Maybelline Colossal is priced at 150 and this at 12 ! 😀


Quality: 3.5/5
Value for money: 5/5
Availability: 3.5/5

Overall Rating: 4/5

Would I buy it again: Surely !

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P.S: Product sent by brand for review but it has not affected my opinion.