Tag Archives: My Wishlist

My All Black Wishlist #WhatTheBlack, Indian Lifestyle Blog

My All Black Wishlist

My All Black Wishlist

There is something about black that attracts us and most of us love black. Black is mysterious. Black is royal. Black is hot. Black is sexy. Black makes one look thin and svelte.

I have so many black outfits. Black Dresses, Black denims, Black pants, Black skirts, etc.. I have lost count of it. Though I am a color person, but I love black equally. It surely dominates my wardrobe. I literally live in my black denims. 😀 And all IN for monochrome looks.

Black kajal/kohl is something I can’t live my home without or else people tell me I look sleepy/unwell. Also, a black kajal tikka is something which is supposed to protect you from evil or ‘buri nazar’ as its said. Black smokey eyes is something which will make a girl look smoking hot and clubbing ready immediately ! 😀

Here is a small wishlist of things I did love to have in black (Small,out of the uncountable things I did want :D)

1. Classic Black Louboutins

I have a definite fondness for shoes and bags. I have shoes in all colors including black. But simple,plain,classic black Louboutins would be a superb addition to my shoe stash. They work with almost all outfits and are just perfect.

2. An All Black Rado

A Classic Black Rado watch has been on my wishlist since forever. I love the fact that it is timeless, classy, elegant and stylish. Another piece I can pair with anything and everything and wear forever and pass on the legacy.

3. Black S- Class Merc

Even though a black car denotes authority, it exudes style and royalty. It attracts you in an instant. Merc anyways attracts one and a black S- class will not let you take off your eyes off it.

4. Black IPhone 6

Ok, I am not an Iphone fan yet coz I have always been an Android user. But, if I have to jump on the IPhone bandwagon, I did want it to be the latest IPhone 6. I would love to give it a try. But of course, in black. My current Lenovo phone is black too 😀 Told you, I am obsessed with black.

5. Canon EOS 5D Mark III

Being a beauty and fashion blogger, a good camera is a must have for me. Though there are many good cameras out there on a budget too. But, Canon EOS 5D Mark III is one of the best high end professional cameras in the market currently that one can possibly own.

Though I can go on and on, I guess 5 are enough for now. :p I love everything black and whenever I have to make a choice, I sub consciously have always finalized black and end up going for the black.

What about you ? Do you guys love black ? What would be your top 5 black things ?

Images from Google.

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