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Top 10 Marilyn Monroe Beauty Secrets, Indian Beauty Blog

Top 10 Marilyn Monroe Beauty Secrets

Top 10 Marilyn Monroe Beauty Secrets

By Ria

Hiii Beauties,

Marilyn Monroe is not only a celebrity in Hollywood but the most talked about and worshiped diva in the beauty circles too. Right from her seven inch dress, pouty lips, gorgeous eye lashes and sexy legs everything was talk of the town. She is known to be one of the most beautiful women of her time and till date. She is truly a legend in the glamour world.

But in spite of all her controversies, she is known to be the mother of beauty and makeup tips. So, here we are listing down some of the eternal and ever glowing beauty and makeup secrets of the diva herself –

1. Use Vaseline as a Highlighter – Yes, Vaseline the regular petroleum jelly which all of us have in our house. We use only on lips that too in bed time. But the light sheen which Vaseline gives has always been used by Marilyn as her highlighter. The light healthy glow will give you just the finish of a radiant skin and nothing else.

2. Use Five Different Shades for Her Pouty Lips – She used to begin by applying a nude shade just to prep her lips. Then she used to apply a regular matte lipstick and top it with a darker shade. The darkest shade was applied on the outer corners and then the cupid bow was highlighted.

3. Use Oils for Shiny Eyelids – Marilyn was a firm believer of shiny eye lids. So, she always used to finish her look by applying a face oil or Vaseline to get her shiny eyelids.

4. Use White Eye Shadow as a Base – The white eye shadows trend was started by Marilyn Monroe herself. Her makeup artists used to apply white eye shadow all over her eye brow area and even in the inner corners of her eyes. This provided much more depth and colour to her eye area.

5. Mixed Eyeliner – We all used to apply either black or brown eyeliners. Even if we apply any coloured eyeliners, we tend to go with a single colour only. But Marilyn used to apply a combination of white, brown, black and blue eyeliners to get that super dramatic look.

6. Blush for Contouring – Yes, you heard it right. We all use blush to highlight but the talented makeup artists of marlin Monroe used to apply blush on her nose for contouring. They used to apply a bit of blush in the area where nose ends to give it a shorter nose look.

7. Half Falsie Eyelashes – Marilyn Monroe used to love her eyelashes. She loved the long dramatic falsies too. But no doubt they looked over dramatic. So, she used to cut her falsies in half and then apply them on her eyes. They used to give a dramatic but still natural look.

8. Arching Eyebrows – Well, arched eyebrows are a trend now even. But what Monroe used to do at that time was that she used to use a white eyeliner to drag it up. But not make the end too pointed else it looked fake.

9. Beauty Sleep – She had a secret recipe of her beauty sleep. She used to steam her face every night before sleeping. And used to sleep naked in a big bed with completely dark room. She used to have at least 10 hours of sleep every day.

10. Moisturisation is the Key – She used to love her moisturisers and always carried one in her bag. She used to have different moisturisers for different parts of the day and even for different body parts.

So, these were some of the top beauty and makeup secrets by Marilyn Monroe. Let me know your thoughts in the comments down below.