Tag Archives: Flawless Skin

Tips for Flawless, Clear skin

Tips for Flawless, Clear skin

We all suffer from bad skin days from time to time, but there are many tips and tricks you can use to get perfect skin naturally. To make spots and blemishes a thing of the past, check out these seven tips for clear skin.

Clear skin tip 1: Ditch the chemicals

It can be tempting to reach for chemical peels and ingredients such as salicylic acid to help clear up problem skin. However, many chemical-based skin products not only contain potentially harmful ingredients, they can also excessively dry out skin and exacerbate skin problems. For a gentler approach to fighting acne, opt for natural spot-fighting ingredients such as tea tree oil or manuka honey. Manuka honey not only has antimicrobial and antiseptic properties to fight spots, it also has the benefit of being able to reduce the scarring and marks left by spots.

Clear skin tip 2: Use spot-fighting makeup

We all know what it’s like to have a bad skin day when you just want to hide away under layers of makeup. However, while makeup can temporarily disguise the look of spots, it can also make the problem much worse. For confidence-boosting coverage that won’t cause flare-ups, make sure you opt for non-comedogenic makeup that won’t clog pores. To further increase the spot-fighting powers of your cosmetics, try using mineral makeup containing zinc oxide, which will fight against acne-causing bacteria.

Clear skin tip 3: Sip spearmint tea

Acne is generally caused by hormones called androgens, which can over-stimulate the sebaceous glands leading to oily skin, blocked pores and spots. To counteract these effects, oral contraceptives are often prescribed to women suffering from acne. However, while beneficial for clearing spots, these contraceptive pills can have inconvenient and even dangerous side effects. Luckily, research suggests that spearmint tea has similar anti-androgen properties, which could help reduce acne and hormone imbalances in women.

Clear skin tip 4: Reduce your skin’s contact to bacteria

You may be surprised at how often your skin comes into contact with dirt and germs that can lead to acne. During the time you are asleep, your pillow comes into contact with makeup, skin oils and saliva, making it a breeding ground for bacteria that can worsen acne. Likewise, unwashed makeup brushes can spread bacteria to your skin. To minimise your skin’s contact to bacteria, make sure you wash makeup brushes every two weeks and change your pillowcase regularly. Also, avoid touching your face as much as possible and clean your phone with antibacterial wipes before making calls.

Clear skin tip 5: Cleanse your skin properly

If you suffer from oily or acne-prone skin it can be tempting to over-cleanse your skin to dry out oils and kill bacteria. However, cleansing your skin too frequently or using harsh cleansers can dry out your skin, causing flakiness which can clog pores. It can also cause your skin to produce more oils to compensate. Instead, wash your skin twice a day with a gentle, PH-neutral cleanser so as not to destroy the acid mantle of the skin, which protects against moisture loss and bacteria. Remove the cleanser with a muslin cloth to lightly exfoliate the skin.

Clear skin tip 6: Change your diet

Eating a balanced diet with plenty of nutrients and antioxidants is one of the key factors behind beautiful looking skin. However, there are also certain foods you can cut back on or eat more of in order to help get rid of spots. Research suggests that dairy is a major precursor of acne for many people due to the hormones it contains. Plastic water bottles and food packaging can also leach out chemicals which can lead to hormone imbalance. Swap packaged foods for fresh, skin-friendly produce including lots of fruit and vegetables and foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids.

Clear skin tip 7: Find ways to deal with stress

Research findings published in the journal Archives of Dermatology suggest that high stress levels can significantly worsen acne. It is thought that this may be due to the fact that stress stimulates the production of hormones which stimulate oil production in the skin’s sebaceous glands. Stress is also thought to instigate the release of chemicals which can lead to inflammation. To help keep your skin clear and spot-free, try to find healthy ways to deal with stress such as exercise, meditation or pampering. Try to talk through problems with someone else as well to help relieve any worries.

I agree with them all..especially 4 and 5..

Source: 1

Do you follow these tips ?

Kitchen Remedies for Clear Flawless Skin

Kitchen Remedies for Clear Flawless Skin
Don’t have the extra cash or time to spend on skin care? Fret not! Your kitchen is loaded with natural secrets for flawless skin.

Dry skin

“To nourish dry skin, you can simply use the olive oil you have in your kitchen, the same one used to prepare vinaigrette. Olive oil is really good, it will reinforce and nourish the skin and it helps regenerate and protect too. This is an oil you can use from head to toe. You just have to apply it on your body. In Morocco, women use Argan oil because it protects the skin from all weather conditions. It’s a country where it is very hot during the day but quite cold at night. This oil is going to soften your skin, in the same way that olive oil will.”

Oily skin

“Sometimes, you buy more food than you need but don’t throw things out straight away, you can use some food to create beauty products. If you have an avocado which is a little bit too ripe, transform it into a mask. To nourish your skin, just crush the avocado and put it on your face. During summer, when the sun is really hot, mix an avocado with egg yolk for a face mask because it gives more protection.

“If you have blackheads on your nose, use the skin of a banana. Rub it on your nose and it will make the blackheads pop out more easily. You just have to pick them afterwards, which will stop you getting a red nose and a scar!

Rice flour is another great natural beauty secret when you have oily skin. Everyone knows about rice papers, but they are quite expansive. If you have rice flour in your kitchen, you can make a mask with it. Mix the flour with yoghurt – one which isn’t too fatty – just to add a moisturising element. You can mix rice flour with a mashed up strawberry too, which helps exfoliate skin. And of course, you can add some clay to the mask, which is the perfect product for oily skin.”

The little tip for every skin type

“Everyone says that Chinese girls have beautiful skin, which is true. They’ve got a secret which many stars practice too. They use an egg white as a facial – they spread it on my face. Then let it dry until it looks like clear plastic and take it off with tepid water. It tightens the pores and gives a rejuvenating effect.”

Source: 1

Which tips do you swear by, for a clear flawless skin ??

How to get a glowing skin?

How to get a glowing skin?

Guest Post by Jessica
Every one of us dream of having a glowing skin that is perfect but very few of us are lucky enough in gaining a healthy skin that is healthy and glowing. There are various factors that contribute for a healthy skin. Here are a few factors that can help you to maintain a glowing skin:

Let your skin glow naturally:
Fresh vegetables and fruits can provide you with all the essential nutrients and vitamins that help you in maintaining a healthy skin tone. Hence instead of spending most of your money on buying expensive skin care products invest your time in eating healthy food. Papaya, guava, spinach and lime are rich in vitamin A which aid in skin growth. The antioxidant property of tomatoes can help you to protect your skin from damage.

The magic of water:
Water has various different benefits that can help you in maintaining a healthy body. Make sure you drink lot of water especially during the summer season in order to flush out the toxins that are present in the body. The combination of hydrogen and oxygen molecules can help you to maintain the elasticity of the skin. It is very essential to drink at least 6 to 8 glasses of water every day. Steaming once in a week can help you to get glowing skin.

Take good care of your skin:
Always use minimum amount of makeup for your skin. Cleanse your skin well at least twice a day .Apply sunscreen lotion every time you leave your house. It can help you prevent sun damage to your skin. Lip balm or Chap Stick can be used to protect your lips from the harmful effects of the sun. Washing your face every night before you go to bed can help you remove all the environmental factors that are present in your skin.

Exercise regularly:
A healthy diet and good physical activity are the two crucial factors that can help you to maintain a glowing skin in the long run. Cardio exercises can make your skin glowing as it stimulates blood flow in your body. You can even maintain a healthy body and stay physically fit. Make sure you follow regular exercise regime in order to experience the benefits throughout your life.

Other factors:
Stress can be a major factor that can affect the skin texture and glow. It is very essential to lead a healthy life with minimum stress and tension. Make sure you get plenty of sleep every day. Use the best skin care products to enjoy the best benefits. Choose products that have minimum side effects on your skin. Never use too much of make up on your skin and if you do so don’t forget to remove them every night before going to bed. Try to keep your hands away from your face as they oil present in your hand can clog the pores which are present in your face. The above tips and suggestions can help you to maintain a glowing skin forever.

Image Source: 1