Tag Archives: Fash Face Wash

Curatio Fash Anti-Acne Face Wash Review, Skincare, Face wash for Acne in India

Curatio Fash Anti-Acne Face Wash Review

Curatio Fash Anti-Acne Face Wash Review

By Archana

Winters are almost getting over and sunny days have started. I can feel my skin which suffered from excessive dryness during winters is going to back to its usual oily-combination self. When it comes to face washes, I was using more of creamy cleansers during winters. But now I have to change them to a more deep-cleansing face wash which can control oil for a longer time. Thanks to Bhumika, I got to try this Fash Face Wash from Curatio at the right time. Read to know whether it is a hit or a miss.

Product Claims: Fash Face Cleanser is an innovative approach to healthy skin, which regulates the skin ecosystem. With its specially developed formulation, Fash helps remove dirt, dead cells and excessive oil without leaving skin feeling dry. Regular use of Fash cleanser helps maintain clean, youthful and radiant skin.


Directions to use: Wet face with water, pour sufficient quantity of Fash face cleanser on palm, develop a rich lather, and gently massage on face for 2 minutes. Rinse off. Repeat if skin is very oily. Use 1-3 times a day.


The face wash comes in a sturdy plastic tube with a flip-open cap. The blue and white color graphics of the tube looks fresh and energizing. I have carried around the tube in my handbag and there has been no leakage or spillage. So packaging wise, the face wash looks good as well as convenient and travel friendly.

Texture and fragrance:

The face wash is blue colored with a mild, fresh, menthol-kind of fragrance. The texture of the face wash is one of the weirdest I have ever come across. It is gel-like and sticky.

My experience:

I have been using the face wash for the past two weeks and have been pretty satisfied with it. Except for the weird, sticky texture that I have mentioned above. When I squeeze the face wash into my hands, the gel just sticks to my hands. I have a hard time spreading it on my face as it just sticks to the skin, even though my face is wet. I need to massage well for it to work. It doesn’t create any lather as such. But on massaging for some time, the blue gel texture turns into bluish-white paste like a face pack. On the directions, it is mentioned that the face wash has to be massaged for 2 minutes. And I felt, it works well only when used that way.

Initially, I was using it in the usual quick way of applying and washing off like any other face wash and it didn’t work well. Also, owing to the sticky consistency, it becomes difficult to wash off as well and takes time to remove it completely. Even I have a hard time washing it off from my hands. While washing, if any gel accidentally drips into your wash basin, it sticks there as well and you have to scrub to get rid of it.

But for all this hard work in using a face wash, the results are very satisfactory. It deep cleanses the skin and removes all oil, dirt and gives a fresh look. Am not sure if it contains menthol or not, but it gives a nice cooling and fresh feeling just like a menthol-based face wash. It doesn’t dry out skin much and I don’t feel the need to immediately reach for a moisturiser, though that might not be the case with dry skin people. It keeps my face fresh and oil-free for around 4-5 hours which is pretty good. Also, as mentioned in the product claims, I feel that it removes dead cells too and the whiteheads which I used to get frequently are more in control now.

* Deep cleanses skin and gets rid of all dirt and oil.
* Gives a nice cooling effect.
* Keeps face oil-free for 4-5 hours.
* Removes dead cells.
* Controls whiteheads.
* Doesn’t dry out skin.
* Mild fragrance which is not bothersome.
* Nice and travel-friendly packaging.
* Free from SLS and parabens.

* Sticky texture.
* Difficult to wash off.

Price and quantity: Rs.190 for 100g.

Rating: 4.3/5

Verdict: Overall, Curatio Fash Face Wash is a good face wash for oily-combination skin especially in summers. It gives a nice cooling feeling, deep cleanses skin and keeps it oil-free for a long time. Only con is the sticky texture which takes a while to spread and then wash off.

Editor’s Note: Oo..this is something quite unique and interesting. I have never tried something like that, but since this is specially meant for acne prone skin and controls that, it will be a boon for acne prone people. Nice review Archana 🙂

Have you heard of Fash Face Wash from Curatio yet?