Tag Archives: DIY Serum

Try This Overnight DIY Serum For a Translucent Glow

Try This Overnight DIY Serum For a Translucent Glow


By Ankita

With the changing environment and lifestyle, there is no escaping from skin issues. The good old CTM works, no doubt. However is it good enough? I won't agree to that. Hence, serums came into being. The usual cleansing-toning- moisturizing regime is now better replaced by cleansing-toning- TREATing-moisturizing. This is where the serums come into action. You can pretty much say in an Army of soldiers, they are the marines, employed for specific target oriented operations. Let’s have a look at them,


Face serums are lightweight moisturizers with a gel or light lotion consistency and have a higher concentration of ingredients meant to provide more effective and focused results.


These are used after cleaning and toning then face. Pat on the serum on with the help of your finger, gently dabbing and pushing it into the skin


Absolutely not. Serums are an addition to your CTM (Cleansing-Toning- Moisturizing) and no way substitute a moisturizer. They have targeted action and address a specific skin issue such as acne, hyper-pigmentation, aging etc.

There are tons and thousands of serum available in the market, and I won’t deny they don’t work. They definitely do. But, wait for it!!!What if I told you, you can make one in a jiffy, that won’t cost you gazillion bucks and works just as fine as any other serum? Actually more than fine. Shall I say….works BRILLIANT.

Ready? Ladies and Ladies, I give you my magic potion



-4 drops of Virgin Coconut Oil

-4 drops of pure rose water

-a pea sized amount of pure aloe vera gel


1. You do not need a bowl for this as it is better to use it fresh every day. Take 4 drops of Virgin Coconut Oil on your palm.

2. Add in a pea sized amount of aloe vera gel

3. Now finally add in 4 drops of rose water and mix all the ingredients with your fingers till they become an emulsion.


1. Dot it all over your face and neck and massage with very light hands in upward-outward motions, till you are satisfied that the skin has completely soaked in the product.

2. Follow up with a very light weight moisturizer and have off you go to bed Sleeping Beauty.


1. This serum works greatly towards brightening the skin and especially fading away dark spots.

2. Gives you healthy illuminating glow.


Virgin Coconut Oil: Cold pressed Virgin Coconut is a boon for the skin as it helps to improve certain skin conditions by healing wounds and reducing rashes. Its anti-inflammatory effect works wonders for soothing skin ailments. VCO contains Lauric Acid that helps to combat acne and even is a great whitening agent.

Priced at: 350 INR for 500ml (Buy HERE)

Rose Water: With its anti-inflammatory and skin soothing properties, rose water is the life saver for irritated skin. Apart from being an excellent skin toner, it also brightens up the complexion and makes the skin more radiant and even.

Priced at: 150 INR (Buy HERE)

Aloe Vera: Aloe Vera contains vitamins, minerals, amino acids and antioxidants that work wonders for the skin. Application of aloe vera speeds up the process of healing of burns, lightens blemishes, reduces acne and also prevents wrinkles. It even acts as a great natural moisturizer.

Priced at: 250 INR for 100ml (Buy HERE)


Use it once a day, before you go to bed. You have to be consistent with the use to see great results, in less than a month.


It is 100% safe for any skin type, however, it is always wise to go for a patch test first. In case you experience any irritation (which most probably you won’t), do not use it further.

Here is a little after picture of me. Unfortunately, I don’t have any before picture as I had never planned to write this piece. After a month of usage, it has reduced my marks and scars to a good extent.

In this image, I have washed my face with cold water, put on some lip gloss and tight-lined my upper lash line.

Why spend a portion of your kidney, if you can have it done at the comfort of your kitchen? Without a question of doubt, I honestly ask my dear readers to give this DIY serum a try and see the results for yourself.

However, you must not forget these few pointers:

1. Cut out processed food as much as possible from your diet.

2. Stay hydrated and stay away from aerated drinks

3. Nothing!!!!!can substitute a good beauty sleep of 6-7 hours.

Please come back and let me know your experience with this serum. Any suggestions, comments, and ideas are always welcome 🙂

Editor’s Note: You have amazing and flawless skin Ankita. I love DIY’s and would be surely trying this too.

Do you love trying DIY’s? Will you try this?

DIY Facial Serum for Night

DIY Facial Serum for Night

By Sanchita

To begin with, I have extremely sensitive, acne prone, oily skin that is always on the verge of breakouts. Due to this reason, I avoid moisturizers (except for aloe vera gel) all my life. However, as I am approaching towards late 20s, I have been noticing that the texture of the skin looks very unhealthy and that natural glow is missing somewhere. Hence, I wanted something to rejuvenate and nourish the skin. After searching high and low for all the ingredients that works on acne prone skin without giving much trouble, I made this night serum for myself and to my surprise, I did work! I have been using it past a month and thankfully I observed some good changes in my skin. Firstly, it never broke me out and also nourished the skin. Secondly, it hydrates the skin throughout the night with getting oily or greasy. So, here goes the night elixir for acne prone skin.


  • Aloe Vera Gel – you can either take it directly from the plants and blend it smooth to have the gel consistency or simple buy one!
  • Jojoba Oil – Works wonder for oily acne prone skin. You can also substitute it for Avocado OR Almond Oil for preference.
  • Rose Water – either homemade or store-bought will work.
  • Vitamin E Capsule – easily available across the counter otherwise you can also opt for Vitamin E oil.
  • Sanitized Bowl – since it is a face product, it is better to have a sanitized place to start with and then transfer it to a dropper bottle or any container.


Step 1
  • Add 1 tbsp. of rose water in the bowl.
Step 2
  • Next, add 2 tbsp. of aloe vera gel. Mix it thoroughly as both the ingredients have different consistencies and takes effort to blend well. You can also add 1 tbsp. if you want a runny consistency but I wanted sort of a slightly thicker one, so I added 2 tbsp.
Step 3
  • Add 2-3 drops of Jojoba Oil and again blend it in.
Step 4
  • Lastly, take out 1-2 Vitamin E Capsules and poke them to take out the oil. Add the mixture very comprehensively unless you see a uniform consistency without any lumps.
Final outcome
  • And Voila! You night serum is ready!

TIP: Do not make it in a large quantity because it is handmade and hence, the preservatives are missing. Make it enough for a week or two at the most.

FOR DRY SKIN – Since dry skin or mature skin needs more than just aloe vera gel, they can use shea butter or cocoa butter instead of aloe vera gel. They can also incorporate the essential oils like Almond, Rosehip, Grapeseed, etc. as per their own preference.


  • Vitamin E – Vitamin E is the main ingredient I would vouch for. It has excellent properties to revive and renew the skin cells at night. It treats the scars and marks on the skin due to ageing or acne. Being a great moisturizer, it nourishes the skin well without making it greasy or clog the pores when applied. It soothes and treats the sun burns and regular tanning of the skin. Most prominently, it make collagen that decreases the rate of aging signs like wrinkles, fine lines, etc.
  • Aloe Vera Gel – this is the HG for every oily skin. Seldom moisturizers suit us and we always find our way back to this. Aloe Vera, known as “plant of immortality”, it has numerous benefits for skin. It moisturizes the skin, heals the scars and soothes the skin from acne and nourishes without any greasy layer which gets absorbed in a jiffy. It also lightens skin pigmentation and slows down the ageing sign.
  • Jojoba Oil – it is known to fight wrinkles, stretch marks and cellulite. With high amount of ceramides which cover skin cells, it hydrates and nourishes the skin like no other. Oily skin doesn’t go well with other oils but this is an exception. It is so light weight and gets blended very easily. It also has anti-bacterial properties that treats acne and allergies.
  • Rose Water – the beauty of rose water in indefinite. From toner to face packs, makeup setting spray to hydration – it can do everything. It treats acne, soothes the skin from sun burns, refreshes and invigorates and has many anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties for sensitive skin.

Do let me know how you liked the DIY.

Editor’s Note: I swear by Vitamin E capsules, but they are so sticky and messy while applying. I guess the mix of rose water and aloe vera gel will make applying Vitamin E easier. Also I am all for essential oils, I love using them. Definitely trying this Sanchita.