Tag Archives: Dark Circles Treatment

How to Fight Under-Eye Discoloration Naturally?, Beauty Tips, Dark Circles Cure

How to Fight Under-Eye Discoloration Naturally?

How to Fight Under-Eye Discoloration Naturally?

By Nidhal

Eyes are the windows to one’s heart. So true! But they are a lot more than that. They are also indicators of your health. Given the kind of lifestyles we all are living, we frequently tend to cross paths with dark circles, patchiness, discoloration, puffy eyes and what not. The first stage is of denial when we see signs of these pesky woes. Conveniently and more aptly sceptically we wring up our hands in disbelief brushing aside those signs.

A few more days roll by and then those signs begin drawing unwanted attention for people point it out. That sends the ‘Oh-No- Something’s-Wrong’ flag soaring high. Petrified, we wade across over-the-counter measures and what not to allay them but more often than not, such products do not throw positive results. Disappointed, we fall into a whirlpool of pessimism. But hey, worry not. We have a treasure trove of pocket-friendly recipes-none invasive, painful or costing you an arm and a leg at your disposal that’ll leave you heaving a sigh of respite.

1. MALAI/MILK CREAM- Milk has great lightening abilities for the skin and can be a very affordable option for dealing with dark circles under the eyes, which can have great results. Milk cream is a derivative of milk. Being a powerhouse of fats, malai is what you need if you suffer from under-eye discoloration.

PROCEDURE- Simply dab and massage a tbsp. of fresh milk cream using your ring finger (for it is the gentlest in massaging) carefully on your under-eye area. Do not let it enter your eyes. If it does, wash off immediately. That’s it. Sleep with it. In the morning, you can wash it off. Let it work its magic overnight. Continue every night for at least a week. It shows results and how! I vouch for this method provided it is followed painstakingly and regularly. And yes, it softens the area too. Double-whammy, did I hear you say that?

2. ALMOND OIL- Here comes the weapon that has been relied upon since times immemorial to banish those dark circles- Almond oil. Shouldn’t there have been drumrolls in the background as I introduced it?

Coming to its virtues, almond oil is anti-inflammatory, thus it reduces puffy bags under the eyes and dark circles. It is a good source of vitamin K, which improves clotting, reducing discoloration under the eyes.

PROCEDURE- Application is simple. Simply slather and massage the under-eye area with almond oil (few drops) every night dedicatedly without fail for at least a fortnight. Sleep with it and let your skin repair itself overnight.

3. EXTRA VIRGIN OLIVE OIL- If almond oil has made an appearance on this list, can EVOO (Extra virgin olive oil) stay far behind? EVOO is the best grade of olive oil for it is least processed and contains maximum nutrition. It comes in glass bottles and is higher than all other variants. It works wonders in allaying wrinkles. Ladies approaching their twilight years can still shed a few years of age off their skin with the help of this wonder oil.

PROCEDURE- Massage a few drops of it on your under-eye area. Please note that massaging is important. That is what matters else the oil will merely sit on your skin and not nourish it the way you want to. Do this every night for 5 minutes gently for at least a fortnight. You will be spellbound with the positive turn of events.

4. GREEN TEA BAGS- Packed with a number of antioxidants, green tea helps banish dark circles and keeps them at bay for as long as you continue sipping (or as I do, gulping) it.

PROCEDURE- Put two green tea bags in the refrigerator for at least an hour. After that, keep them on your eyes. It’s alright if it’s not entirely on your under-eyes. It nourishes eyelashes too so, you have the best of both worlds there.

5. CUCUMBER JUICE- Not only is the cool cucumber (you surely would have heard the phrase ‘as cool as a cucumber’) rich in vitamins and minerals which helps to hydrate, nourish and tone skin, but also brighten the under eye area, so that you can say ‘good bye’ to those pesky dark circles permanently. What needs to be done?

PROCEDURE- Mince a cucumber into a few slices. Actually, two would do. Freeze them for half an hour and then, keep them on your eyes. Bid farewell to all those woes pertaining to your under-eye area.

Editor’s Note: Those are fab tips Nidhal. I swear by almond oil, I am currently using the Cold Pressed Sweet Almond Oil and 3 drops are more than enough! Also just wanted to add, be careful when using the oil, make sure you don’t go too close to the eyes or it doesn’t enter inside, it kind of blurs vision for the entire night :/ Also I recommend the Rogan Badam Shirin, it’s the most economical and easily available option when it comes to purity.

Image Sources: 1,2,3,4,5

Have you tried any of these for under-eye discoloration? What do you swear by?