Moroccanoil Hair Spa Experience, Indian Makeup and Beauty Blog

Moroccanoil Hair Spa Experience

Moroccanoil Hair Spa Experience

Hey guys,

Few days back I was invited for the Moroccanoil Hair Spa experiental at the Renee Melek Salon in Bandra. I have had the chance to experience the Moroccanoil Hair Spa before at The Taj Palace Salon in Colaba. So I know how good it feels and was more than happy to try it out.

The owner Renee herself checked my hair and recommended the intense hydrating treatment for my hair. (Since this time my hair was more dry than my previous experience)

My hair was first washed with the Moroccanoil Hydrating Shampoo.

Funny me- after the wash :p

And then a mix of Moroccanoil Serum and Intense Hydrating Mask was applied on my hair all over, in parts. Its a mix of 1 pump and 1 spoonful of mask.

It was followed by a relaxing massage and steam.

Then the hair was washed again, this time only with water. Followed by a blow dry.

Here are some before-after pics.


My hair felt super soft to touch and I could feel the hydration in the hair, as it had turned a little dry of late. And even after a serum and mask were used, it was quite light and bouncy. It did not weigh my hair down. Hair stayed hydrated for a week or so. I also got this Moroccanoil Light Serum which I am currently using and testing out. Would review soon.

There are different Moroccanoil Hydrating Treatments and options.The Price of Moroccanoil Hydrating treatment – ranges from Rs. 2300 – Rs. 2700 depending on length and thickness of hair. Prices are inclusive of tax.

I have always had a good experience with Moroccanoil hair spa treatment till now. Have you tried it yet ?

P.S: Services were provided by the brand but it has not affected my opinion.