Choosing The Right Pearl Earrings For Your Lady

Choosing The Right Pearl Earrings For Your Lady

Guest Post

Every lady loves pearls, but gentlemen are tasked with choosing the right pearls as a gift. There are so many different kinds of pearl earrings that men can get confused when they go shopping. The categories below will give men an idea of what they are buying for their ladies, and men can follow the guide to the pearl that they believe their lady will like the most.

Choosing The Right Pearl Earrings For Your Lady

Single Studs

Single stud pearl earrings are the most common earrings that men will see in public. There are many women who have worn single stud pearl earrings for almost all their lives. The single stud is a fashion statement that a woman can wear with anything. The choice of size in a single stud is what is most important. Some smaller studs look good on certain women, but larger pearls look better on other women. The choice is down to the earlobe in these cases.

Pearl Sets

When multiple pearls are set together in a certain shape, men can choose a shape that they like the best. Each set is going to be a little bit different, and men can choose a shape that is meaningful to their lady.

Also, gentlemen can get pearls of more than one color in a set. If the lady likes to wear white and black pearls, they can both be found in a single setting.


A small strand of pearls dropping from the ear is a much more elegant way to wear earrings. These earrings look great with formal dresses, and they work well when women want to dress more whimsically. The strand of pearls that dangles from the ear denotes a pearl lover who does not mind to show it off.

Most women want to have some pearls to wear when they are about town. However, gentlemen may feel intimidated when they are shopping for these pearls. The right kind of pearl setting for the lady depends on her personal style, and men must take style into account before they dare consider a purchase. Choose the right pearls from a place like National Pearl carefully before giving them as a gift.

What do you think of pearl earrings ? I love them!

P.S: Image from Google