How to Treat Dark Circles and Bags Under Your Eyes

How to Treat Dark Circles and Bags Under Your Eyes

Guest Post

No one likes getting dark circles under the eyes, but most of us have them at some point in time. Stress, sleep deprivation, poor dieting, and heredity can all lead to a less-than-perfect reflection in the mirror, and there’s only so much you can cover with makeup. Before matters get any worse, you should try some of the treatment options listed below. Here are a few ways to treat dark circles under the eyes.

Stop the Causes

In order to get rid of dark circles and bags, you need to know what is causing them in the first place. If you’re running on Redbull and power naps, you probably need more sleep. If your stack of unpaid bills is larger than your stack of paid bills, you probably need less stress. Think about what might be causing the issues under your eyes, and then do whatever you can to avoid it. If you can’t do that, you might as well get used to the way you look.

Moisturize the Skin

A boost of moisture can revitalize your skin and make it look soft and supple. Apply moisturizing makeup under your eyes throughout the day, and then use sesame or avocado oil before you go to bed at night. Look for natural ingredients in whatever products you use, especially if they include vitamin K and vitamin E. Both of those ingredients will do wonders for your skin.

Massage the Eyes

It sounds silly to give your eyes a massage, but that really can help get rid of the dark circles and bags. Test this out the next time you feel a bruise coming on. Rub the area of the skin where the bruise might form, and you may not even see a spot come to the surface. That’s because you’re encouraging circulation in the area, which will keep all of your cells right where they need to be. The same thing happens with you dark circles. Use almond oil to really get your skin active again, and your circles will just fade away.

Protect the Face

Wear sun block throughout the day, even if you’re just going outside for a few moments. UV rays can damage your skin, and that damage can lead to bags and circles. Look for moisturizing foundation with built-in SPF, or wear mineral makeup designed for sun protection. Then throw on some sunglasses, and you should be able to keep your skin looking healthy.

Release the Toxins

Believe it or not, you could be experiencing dark circles because of built-up toxins in your body. Go in for a colon cleanse when you have time, or try a cleansing diet instead. Yoga is a great workout routine for releasing toxins because it forces your body into unexpected positions. You could get your body in shape and make your face look better at the same time. Talk about a win-win!

Rejuvenate the Surface

You could use an in-home microdermabrasion treatment to get rid of your outer layer of skin. This will encourage new skin cells to grow, which will help you look younger. You may be red for a day or two, but then you will have a whole new face to look at in the mirror. Hopefully that face is dark circle free.

Being frustrated with your dark circles and bags under the eyes won’t make them go away. You have to put forth a positive effort to keep your skin looking its best. Use the tips above to correct your skin problems, and you’re sure to feel refreshed in no time.

About the Author: Hilary Swanson is a teacher, mother, and grad student who leads an incredibly stressful life. She treats her dark circles and keratosis pilaris with the microdermabrasion products on