Win a GlossyBox for March !

Win a GlossyBox for March !

I know its raining giveaways here ..and the GlossyBox giveaway especially is so raining all over the blogosphere. I was waiting for some time..before announcing other giveaways are also running together..Check out my Valentine’s Special Giveaway and the Maybelline BB Cream Giveaway.

So GlossyBox has kindly let one of my reader win its first box in March..Check and my post here for more..

What you need to do?

1. Subscribe to e-mail updates.
2. Like ‘GlossyBox India‘ and ‘New Love‘ on Facebook and put up your Facebook Status as “I love @GLOSSYBOX India and @New Love, which is why I want to get the first Box for free!” (Both pages should be tagged)

Thats it..

For extra can follow @GlossyBox_in and @bhumika_t

Here is the Rafflecopter widget..

a Rafflecopter giveaway
<a href=””>You need javascript enabled to see this giveaway</a>.

This giveaway is for Indian residents or anyone who has a valid Indian postal ends 10 days from now..on 25th February,2012.

Best of Luck 🙂