Versatile Blogger Award and Sunshine Award Again :)

I got 2  Versatile blog awards from Cali of Beauty Diaries and Rekha of makeupnbeautyreview

and also a Sunshine Award from Hungoveronfashion


1. Link back to the person who awarded this award to you:

Thank u Cali  and Rekha and Hungoveronfashion :))

2. Share 7 Random things about yourself

Did here

3. Answer the following questions

Name your favorite color: Pink and Black..actually all 🙂
Name your favorite song: There are way tooo many..
Name your favorite dessert: Rabdi
What is pissing you off?: Weird behavior of some ppl
When you’re upset, you?: Surf the net or watch TV or anything that diverts my mind
Your favorite pet:  Dog or puppy or a parrot..easy to maintain 🙂
Black or White? :  Black (in clothes)
Your biggest fear?:  Loneliness
My best feature is:  Eyes
Everyday attitude:  Live and let live 🙂
What is perfection: Satisfaction from within..though difficult
Guilty pleasure:  All chocolate deserts !! Yumm..

4. Award 15 blogs

I pass this on to all my fellow bloggers..All of you who have not yet done this tag..would love to hear things about you…Indgal, Pooja_g,Rekha,Nidhi,Divya and everyone out there 🙂

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